Other Regensburg events

Evolution: Beyond Darwin's Wild Ride & Kepler's Cosmic Chaos

Entrance only allowed to science-enthusiasts
14 May Talks will start at 7pm
but the doors will be open at 6:30pm already for you to save the best seats and already get a cold pint.
Filmbühne, Taubengäßchen 2
93047, Regensburg
Tickets Price Qty
Standard €2.50
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Science going

Tickets remaining: 60

Kepler and Darwin on one evening, can it get any better? But let's not forget all the other important scientists who contributed to our understanding of science as well.

Today you will hear about great minds and their contributions to today's science.

Beyond Darwin: Exploring Evolution's Past and Present

Dr. Sarah Qidwai (speaker)
This talk explores the fascinating story of evolutionary biology, from ancient times to developments in the nineteenth century. Going beyond just Charles Darwin, we will talk about other important figures and key moments that shaped our understanding of evolution. Join us to uncover the exciting journey of discovery and innovation that still influences how we think about evolution today.


Keplers motions - it’s not just about planets.

Dr. Jörg Mertins (speaker)
Today, Kepler’s landmark contributions to science are often summed up by citing his three laws of planetary motion. Their physics is most exciting and significant by itself, but the history of their discovery and acceptance can teach us many things big and small about how science has been working and struggling both then and now. Let’s join a rollercoaster through planetary physics and time and bring home some fresh thoughts!
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

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